Sunday, July 8, 2007


Boxes always are the best toys. And we can both fit!
Ok, so we don't fit very comfortably...
Connor is hiding. You can't see him, can you?


Anonymous said...

Hi, Daneya: I am so glad to receive some new pictures. They are very much appreciated and as usual the twins are truly enjoying their life. It is wondersul to see them interacting with each other.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you next week. I am sure your grandparents will be delighted to see their GGC.
Luv to you all-----GG

Anonymous said...

Hi, Daneya: I am so glad to receive some new pictures. They are very much appreciated and as usual the twins are truly enjoying their life. It is wondersul to see them interacting with each other.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you next week. I am sure your grandparents will be delighted to see their GGC.
Luv to you all-----GG