Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cruise - day 7 (at sea)

Saturday was our last day on the ship. We let the kids play in Ocean Adventures in the morning so we could have a couple of hours without the kids. In Ocean Adventures, the kids were preparing for the talent show. There were five Aquanauts (3-5 year olds) that morning so they practiced a group song for the talent show. We had instructions to meet the kids at the talent show at 10:50am with the talent show starting at 11am. Connor and Ryan were happy when they saw me at the talent show because they got very worried when they left their Ocean Adventure room. They didn't think that Mommy and Daddy could find them if they weren't in the place we dropped them off at.

Note: The video is viewable at
During the whole song, Ryan just stood up there with his arm on his face and I think Connor was singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" because he knew the words to that song better. Oh well, they got first prize anyways (everyone that performed got first prize). They were proud of their first prize ribbons. I was just amazed that they were brave enough to get on stage to perform their act.

After the talent show, we went ice skating. The kids were complete with helmets, knee pads and elbow pads.
Ed made it around the rink once but was not stable enough to stay on his own feet and help the boys stay on their feet at the same time, so I took the kids out one at a time while the other waited on the side. The kids basically just stood in front of me with their feet still so I could push them around. They loved it!

Finally, the weather warmed up enough to go in the pool.
The kids played in the shallow kid pool for a bit, but then wanted to join Daddy in the big pool. Below is Connor waiting on the side of the pool for his turn in the water.
They love jumping in.

It was warmer than previous days, but still not warm enough for me to go in the pool, so I watched.
Our last family picture of the cruise...
Ok, I was just having fun with my camera, the lights, and angles on this one. I think it turned out kinda cute.

Connor and Ryan tried so hard to help lift the weight, but they kept telling me "it's not working."
Nope, Connor didn't win any money. But there were so many buttons to press when walking through the casino.

We decided to push it and go to the last show. Of course, Connor and Ryan were asleep by the end of the show.

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