Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cutting down our Xmas Tree

We went to cut down our Christmas Tree today at Rancho Siempre Verde today.
Connor immediately found the *perfect* Christmas tree a few steps from where we parked. We told him we should look around to make sure it was the best one. We walked around a bit, but Connor kept insisting that we past the tree he wants, so we decided to make Connor happy and get *his* tree. He ran all the way back to his tree with a big smile on his face.
Here is *the perfect tree*...

At the tree farm, they have all-you-can-eat marshmallows to roast on the fire.
And those got all over hands, faces, and jackets...They also have swings in the trees to play with...

This swing was FUN!

They also had a hay bale maze with tunnels. Connor and Ryan loved playing hide and seek in the hay bales.
It was a fun day. It is starting to feel like Christmas now that we have the tree and lights on outside.

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