Monday, August 23, 2010

Exploring Yosemite with two 5 year olds

On Saturday morning we drove to Yosemite so I could hike Half Dome on Sunday. When we got to Curry Village, there was a deer by the parking lot and two baby deer nearby.
We took the Yosemite shuttle to stop #16, Happy Isles. I wanted to come here to see where the Half Dome hike would start to make sure we could find it in the dark.
We walked part of the trail and the kids explored and climbed rocks along the way.
It was fun to watch 5 year olds explore and have fun.

We even saw a snake!

Ryan got excited to see horses and insisted that Ed take a picture of them...

Then we hiked Little Yosemite Falls and the kids climbed more rocks and explored caves looking for bears. Of course, no vacation is complete without tears, so here is Ryan after he fell and scrapped his knee. I am so concerned, can't you tell?

On the Yosemite shuttle.
All smiles from Ryan...
Now on to Sunday.... Ed and the boys spent the day together while I hiked Half Dome.
Connor and Ryan went on a nature walk with a ranger.
In the below picture, Ryan is following the ranger's directions. He is closing his eye's and listening.
To earn their Jr. Ranger badges, Connor and Ryan had to go on a hike or nature walk, meet with a ranger, and fill out the paperwork drawing a picture of what they saw and describe what they heard and smelled.
At Glacier Point, Connor and Ryan both wanted a picture of with Half Dome without their brother since "Mommy was hiking Half Dome." Below is Connor's picture.
And here is Ryan.
When we left Yosemite, Connor and Ryan asked if we could come back again and stay longer. They enjoyed the weekend. They also want to practice hiking so they can go on longer hikes with Mommy.

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