Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, kids were excited and bouncing off the walls.

We went to the 5pm Christmas Eve mass tonight. Connor and Ryan sang in the children's choir during mass. In the below picture, you can see Zachary was sound asleep and Connor and Ryan are with the group of kids at the front singing.
After church, the kids got in their pajamas and had to make sure to unlock the fireplace (it has a child lock to keep the door closed) so Santa can get in tonight. Connor and Ryan had to take turns looking up the fireplace to see if Santa was coming down yet.
Connor had to make sure the plate of cookies and carrots (for the reindeer) was perfect. We also left milk for Santa. Ryan had to add a note saying "for Santa" so he knew the goodies were for him.
Now all three kids are tucked away in bed dreaming about what Santa will leave.

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